April 19 Funny Holidays List of Weird Holidays for Each Day of the Year
Fun, Offbeat, Memorable April Theme Days and Observances
Here's a list of some of the fun, wacky, offbeat and not-so-wacky holidays and theme days for the month of April, 2022. Celebrating these fun days, recognizing offbeat theme days is a very simple way to bring a little fun and humor into your workplace. For some ideas on how to make use of some of these fun holidays go to: Ways to Celebrate Fun Holidays in the Workplace
April 1
Get your rubber chickens ready for April 1st!
April Fool's Day
Fun at Work Day
Reading is Funny Day
Tatting Day
Boomer Bonus Days
Hospital Admitting Clerks Day
International Tatting Day
Library Snap Shot Day
Poetry and the Creative Mind Day
St. Stupid Day
April 2
Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
Every Day is Tag Day
Play Outside Day
Reconciliation Day
International Children's Book Day
Hand Made Day
Love Your Produce Manager Day
Ferret Day
April 3
Don't Go to Work Unless It's Fun Day
International Pillow Fight Day
Walk to Work Day
Fan Dance Day
Pony Express Day
Tweed Day
Find a Rainbow Day
Weed Out Hate
World Party Day
Film Score Day
Geologists Day
April 4
Tater Day
World Rat Day
Vitamin C Day
April 5
Read a Road Map Day
Deep Dish Pizza Day
Go For Broke Day
Flash Drive Day
Library Day
Library Workers Day
April 6
Drowsy Driver Awareness Day
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
Hostess Twinkie Day
Charlie the Tuna Day
Teflon Day
Tartan Day
Walking Day
Bookmobile Day
April 7
Beer Day
Burrito Day
International Beaver Day
International Snail Papers Day
Metric System Day
No Housework Day
World Health Day
Make the First Move Day
April 8
Buddha Day
Draw a Bird Day
Dog Fighting Awareness Day
International Roma Day
April 9
Cherish an Antique Day
Slow Art Day
Jumbo Day
Unicorn Day
Winston Churchill Day
Take Your Parents to the Playground Day
April 10
Farm Animals Day
Siblings Day
Safety Pin Day
April 11
Barbershop Quartet Day
Clean Up Your Pantry Day
International 'Louie Louie' Day
Pet Day
Teach Children to Save Day
Submarine Day
April 12
Licorice Day
Walk on Your Wild Side Day
Big Wind Day
International Day of Human Space Flight
Be Kind to Lawyers Day
April 13
Scrabble Day
Make Lunch Count
April 14
International Moment of Laughter Day
Gardening Day
Pecan Day
Dolphin Day
Pathologists' Assistants Day
Perfume Day
April 15
Good Friday
Stress Awareness Day
High Five Day
That Sucks Day
Take a Wild Guess Day
Rubber Eraser Day
World Art Day
World Marbles Day
April 16
Husband Appreciation Day
Save the Elephant Day
Orchid Day
World Voice Day
World Circus Day
April 17
Bat Appreciation Day
Blah! Blah! Blah! Day
Ford Mustang Day
Herbalist Day
There's Nothing Like a Dame Day
International Haiku Poetry Day
Malbec World Day
Crawfish Day
April 18
World Amateur Radio Day
Pet Owners Independence Day
Columnists Day
Linemen Appreciation Day
International Day for Monuments and Sites
Pinata Day
April 19
Bicycle Day
Hanging Out Day
Garlic Day
Poker Day
April 20
Banana Day
Chinese Language Day
Pot Smokers Day
Cheddar Fries
April 21
Get to Know Your Customers Day
World Creativity and Innovation Day
High Five Day
Bulldogs are Beautiful Day
Chocolate Covered Cashews Day
International Hemp Day
Kindergarten Day
April 22
Earth Day
Jelly Bean Day
Girl Scouts Leaders Day
Chemists Celebrate The Earth Day
Global Selfie Earth Day
April 23
Talk Like Shakespeare Day
Movie Theater Day
Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
Impossible Astronaut Day
International Cake Day
English Language Day
Spanish Language Day
English Muffin Day
Record Store Day
International Marconi Day
Lost Dog Awareness Day
World Book Night
World Book & Copyright Day
April 24
International Sauvignon Blanc Day
New Kids on he Block Day
April 25
Hairstylists Appreciation Day
Hug a Plumber Day or Plumbers Day
Malaria Awareness Day
License Plates Day
Mani-Pedi Day
World Penguin Day
April 26
Hug an Australian Day
Audubon Day
Richter Scale Day
Pretzel Day
Help a Horse Day
World Intellectual Property Day
April 27
Administrative Professionals Day
Noise Awareness Day
Walk at Lunch Day
Morse Code Day
Little Pampered Dog Day
World Tapir Day
Babe Ruth Day
International Guide Dogs Day
Denim Day
April 28
Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day (Canada)
Superhero Day
Poem in Your Pocket Day
Biological Clock Day
Workers Memorial Day
Occupational Safety & Health Day
World Day for Safety and Health at Work Day
April 29
International Dance Day
Hairball Awareness Day
Zipper Day
World Wish Day
April 30
Bugs Bunny Day
Honesty Day
International Sculpture Day
Independent Bookstore Day
Save the Frogs Day
Raisin Day
International Jazz Day
Adopt a Shelter Pet Day
World Veterinarian Day
Copyright Michael Kerr, 2022 www.humoratwork.com
Michael Kerr is a funny motivational speaker and international business speaker who helps business produced greater results by building stronger workplace cultures. Michael's books include, The Jerk-Free Workplace and The Humor Advantage.
For great ideas, a bit of fun and loads of inspiration sign up for the raved about weekly e-newsletter, Inspiring Workplaces.
Source: https://mikekerr.com/wacky-fun-offbeat-silly-unusual-theme-days-and-holidays-for-april/
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